Sunday, September 11, 2011


# 1
How will we learn the new words of the new Translation of the Roman Missal?

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has prepared a red booklet to assist us in transitioning from the Mass texts we know by heart to the new mandated texts. These red booklets will also contain music for the singing of various responses and ordinary parts like the Glory To God, Holy HOLY HOLY and various other acclamations. The five musical settings were determined by the Archdiocesan Music committee after review over one hundred settings. Be sure to pick one up at the church door as you arrive for Sunday Mass each week. 

Unfortunately, because of copyright agreements, this booklet can not be sold to persons outside of this jurisdiction. However, most of the Catholic music publishers are offering something similar.

 Check these sites:
(1) OCP presents a very similar booklet that will find inside the back cover of your current hymnal:
(2)  World Library presents a booklet that contains the NEW words of the Mass and complete Order of Mass including changes from The Roman Missal and our best-selling Mass setting by Steve R. Janco: Mass of Redemption

# 2
Since UD is not a parish as such, can we simply continue with texts and music we already know?

Yes, it is true that the University of Dayton's Chapel of the Immaculate Conception and other campus chapels do not have the status of "parish."  However, the new edition of the Missal and its translation belongs to the whole, polyglot Church. Catholics, in all English speaking countries, will have the same translation to help us realize that we are all in this together and that this new edition of the Roman Missal, used in local languages all over the world, provides us all with an opportunity to review, re-invigorate, and deepen our appreciate of the great Mystery of Christ that we touch whenever we "DO" the liturgy together. The new Missal in its English translation goes into effect on the First Sunday of Advent November 26-27, 2011. All current and older Sacramentaries may be recycled that day.

# 3 
When can I purchase the new Missal?
ANSWER: You can purchase the new Missal now with a guaranteed arrival date some time in the first week of October, depending on the publisher.
You absolutely need it by  November 25 because the new Missal goes into full effect on the First Sunday of Advent; this includes the Masses for the First Sunday of Advent which may be anticipated on November 26, 2011. From that day, only the new Missal and its new translation may be used. This implies that current, well-known, sung Mass settings can no longer be licitly used.

A word to the wise: start learning one Mass setting now.
I would urge all members of the Marianist Province of the United States to learn the Mass of St. Frances Cabrini by Kevin Keil. It is very very singable and easy to learn. Can be done a cappella, with organ or piano or guitar; it can be done with a small congregation or with a big church, big choir and multiple instruments, not unlike Mass of Creation.  If we all learn this one outstanding Mass, when we come together for common celebration our singing can be stronger and more easily faith-filled.

Yes, the US Bishops have authorized the use of the SUNG ordinary parts (not the dialogs) in order to make the Full Transition on the First Sunday of Advent easier. The new Missal expects that the "Ordinary" parts will normally be sung, not recited. However, during this time period, if you recite these parts you must use the current translation. If you sing them you MAY use the new translation and music. The new Mass setting (texts and music) go into full effect on the First Sunday of Advent. Get those recycle bins ready for a big influx of current Mass settings since they will no longer be permitted. All the major publishers have many new Mass settings to choose from.  Consult your local Diocesan Music Commission for recommendations.

The Sung Ordinary Parts include: The Gloria, Sanctus, Mystery  of Faith acclamation, Great Amen, and Lamb of God.

For a second setting, learn the simple chant that is embedded within the Missal. This will be perfect for ordinary weekdays, when the energy level is not high. (The Chant setting is easy and will most probably be used in a lot of situations across the entire English speaking world.) Every publisher will have this available in some for. Check you favorite website for pricing and order  information.

# 4
Where can I purchase the new translation of the ROMAN MISSAL now, so that we can have the opportunity to practice the texts well before the mandated date arrives?

Answer 4:
First off, all the books have the exact same content. When you shop, you are looking for particular kinds of things that you desire in a book including: readable and beautiful fonts, good paper, kind of binding, material for the cover and so forth. Pay attention to what is and is not mentioned in the advertisements. Caveat emptor. 

Secondly, If you have a Religious Goods or Church Supply Store in your area you can shop there.  You can also shop on-line, if you want more choices and better prices. Most companies are offering a discount if you order before a certain date. Each company seems to have a slightly different cut off date for the price break. You often find better deals on-line than in-store.

For myself, I am impressed with the book that Magnificat Magazine is offering.
See their web-page. Read about the ways they seem to be paying attention to details in the binding process, like the wonderfully bound liturgical books of the 1950’s.

A good number of Brothers have told me that they have ordered the Missal from Liturgical Press at Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville MN.  Liturgical Press has a  long treasured history as trusted publishers of  both liturgical books as well as  theology and spirituality books. Check out their website to see if their edition meets your needs. The  artwork within the book has been provided Benedictine Brother Martin Erspamer, who for a long time was a Marianist (Bro. Steve).

Others are saying that they like the one being produced by LTP.
Read up on it and see what  you think:
This is a very well done web-site.  Even if you do not want their edition of the Missal, you can find many resources here for learning more about the Missal, with pull-down tabs for News, Resources, other Blogs, and workshops.

I know that many of you use the books published by CATHOLIC BOOK. I, myself, am not impressed with their editions, especially layout and font face. However, my friend, Tom Cousineau, owner of Henningers Religious Goods in Cleveland, insists that they have the best bindings. Your choice.

Are there other questions…..mailto:jerry.chinchar@gmail.comsituations across the entire English speaking world.